Who We Are?

The Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association (NATA) is a national professional body of the micro, small and medium scale auto-repairers in the informal economy. Members include artisans without formal schooling and technicians with average formal education and belong to such sub-trade groups like vulcanizing, auto-electrical repairing, panel fixing, auto-body building, motor engine repairing and servicing, welding and iron bending, auto-spraying and other auto related works.

The Nigerian Automobile Technicians association (NATA) with over two million members from all over the federation has an history that dates back to 1919. It was officially registered as a registered industrial union in June 2nd 1962 as Nigeria Motor Mechanic Association, it was re-registered in 1986 as Nigeria Motor Mechanics and Technicians Association when the federal government excluded all trade unions of self employed workers from the registered trade unions, it was re-registered in 1986 by the then minister for internal affairs, Colonel John Shagaya whose ministry was solely empowered to register association before the establishment of Corporate Affairs Commission. In june 2000, the association was re-registered at the Corporate Affairs Commission with a new name- Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association, with certificate number RC 4596. Members constitute over 75% of all automobile technicians in Nigeria,

NATA has more men membership than women, about 5% of the population are women and they are in few states like Lagos, Anambra, oyo, Rivers, Abuja and Edo state


NATA is structured into grassroots local units which constitutes the local branch of the association. An elected local Government Executive Council Oversees the affairs of the local government chapter.

The State Executive Council Comprises the elected Officers headed by a chairman and the elected Chairman and Secretaries of the government branches.

There are five Zonal Councils, and each is headed by an elected National Vice President and chairmen and Secretaries of the State Councils under each zone. The zonal Council subsist in the following geographical areas of the Nigerian Federation:-
(A) South-West: Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Ekiti, Osun
(B) North East : Bauchi, Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Gombe and Taraba.
(C) North West: Kaduna, Zamfara, Kano, Jigawa, Sokoto, Katsina, Kebbi.
(D) South-East: Anambra, Imo, Enugu, Ebonyi, Abia.
(E) North Central: Niger, Kwara, Plateau, Benue, Nassarawa and Kogi
(F) South-South: Edo, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, Akwa-Ibom, Rivers

The National Executive Council (NEC) of NATA consists of the elected National Officers, elected zonal officers, all state chapters” chairmen and secretaries and the National General Secretary with his assistants who oversee the activities of the National secretariat of NATA.

The National Delegates conference of NATA consists of the members of the National executive Council, the State Executive chairmen and Secretaries and two non office holding members from each state chapter of the organisation. The National Delegates conference reconvenes every four year and is the supreme decision making organ of he association.


Some of the objectives of NATA include:

1. To organise and unite all practising automobile technicians in Nigeria into a single standard professional body.
2. To promote, protect and advance the interests of members in the society.
3. To organise welfare and programmes that could help improve the living condition of members and reduce poverty.
4. To educate members on how various policies and events in their socio environment affect them and their work.
5. To help project government objectives and policies on automobile technological development, education, health, economy and political matters.
6. Mobilising members for an enhanced participation in National development.
7. Organising training programmes through workshops, seminars and symposium on political, economic, health and any other societal matters including the trades of members for an enhance professionalism.
8. To improve and regulate the training and practices of members